
What does a typical day in the life of a Creator with a cat actually look like? We asked TikTok Creator what everyday life with a cat looks like with Ever Clean cat litter.

About Ever Clean

Our range of premium clumping cat litter is specially designed to create an environment in which your cat will flourish, no matter what their individual needs are. We use unique technology that eliminates odours and provides continuous freshness – helping your cat feel comfortable and reassured at home.

Maximum Odour Elimination
Unbeatable Clump Strength
Eliminates Urinal Fecal and Ammonia Odours
Low Dust Formula

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About the Creator


Mirco, also known as @catinfo on TikTok, inspires his community with valuable cat tips. For example, where to find your cat’s secret petting spots or what signs might indicate that your cat might be feeling lonely – you’ll find the answers at catinfo.


Darjusch, on TikTok as @darditv, takes his community into his everyday life as a cat owner. On his profile you can find mainly creative, funny, but also informative videos with his two cats Shiva and Ayla.


The two cats Nala and Lino are the sibling dream duo. On TikTok they reflect their typical cat life – from playing and fighting together to making up and cuddling – you can find such cute and at the same time funny videos at @nala_lino.